
Monday, May 2, 2011


On Saturday we got to hang with out a sweet Slovak couple.  We went to lunch with them and then visited a new castle just outside of Bratislava.  The castle was gorgeous and we really enjoyed the company.  We didn't get to tour the castle because we were short on time, but we hope to go back there with them sometime in the near future.

Soo....what does all that have to do with a Czech Spa Wafter you ask?

Well, they were awesome and gave us a bag full of goodies before we departed.  Inside were lots of sweets, chocolates, etc.  And one such box was labeled "Czech Spa Wafers."  We thought it was just a large box but with small wafers packed inside.

Well, we were wrong.  Jas opened the box to try them out and this is what I found when I looked over at him...

Um, HUGE wafers! As big as his head.  But for the record, he says they're really good and sugary.

And there you have it...a Czech Spa Wafer :)

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