
Monday, June 13, 2011

Nursery Sneak Peak

Little by little over here we have been getting things done for the baby's nursery.  It's pretty exciting!

But, I guess I should be honest, we really have done very little.  I have the picture of how it will look in my mind, but we just bought a dresser today and that's all we have going for the room furniture wise. We will get more in the next few months we'll be making Ikea trips, for sure.

I have however been working on a few craft projects for baby girl's room.

Want a sneak peak?

Since we can't paint the walls, lots of color will be incorporated.  We hope it'll be a place she will love!  Full room post to come towards the end of the summer :)


  1. You are so artistic. She will love the color and the brightness.

  2. So fun! We are still getting the rest of our house set up and Immanuelle's room will probably be last (motivation to get the rest done so I can get to the really fun room!) I think I'm leaning toward a colorful room too, just accented heavily with pinks or purples so it's girly. The boys' room is blue blue blue...guess we need a little pink!
    Oh, and our nursery furniture is from IKEA except for our crib. The "Poang" chair is a GREAT nursing ;)

  3. Looking good! I love all of the colors :) What a fun process!

  4. I wish I could have that giraffe for my back yard.


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