
Monday, July 25, 2011

The Past Week

We've been quite busy the past week, thus the lack of blogging.  Team Ridgecrest was here (they leave tomorrow! sad!) and we had a great time working together at DEPO (similar to a community youth center).

I didn't take my camera this week, as the team was here and Brooke did a great job capturing lots of wonderful moments.  So these next pictures are all to her credit.

We made a sign for DEPO on the first day.

The kids that came had lots of opportunities to play fun this one where they had to move the cookie from their forehead to their mouth.

The guys helped clear a large pile of dirt and trash from the back of DEPO.  Here they are in action.

And a group shot.  So there's just a lil snippet of what we've been up was indeed a good week :)

While the team was here, Brooke and I also got the chance to have a little maternity photo shoot, so those pics will be making an appearance on the blog soon, too.  THANKS, Brooke!

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