
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Relief from the Sahara

It's felt like the Sahara Desert here in Bratislava lately.  We're talking 99-100 degrees, hot winds, no air conditioning (that's a Slovak/European norm), etc.  The occasional tumbleweed...ya know...straight up H-O-T.

So our team had planned to head to the pool today and that's just what we did.  It was quite nice, indeed.

There was a high dive that Jas partook in (due to lil baby in the belly I opted out this time :)

And since we were right across the border in Austria, an obligatory Almdudler was purchased (a fizzy apple drink).

While there we celebrated my 25th birthday with the team (thanks all!)

And we celebrated with brownie bites made by my hubs (who's becoming quite the chef I might add...)

But that wasn't all...Ilga made this rockin' chocolate chip cookie cake!

Of course, I took a photo of those fun things on top...

Who wouldn't?  That's some great color!

Thanks team, family, friends and everyone else who made this birthday a great one!  I felt the love here in's very appreciated.

And now the winds are blowing here (what a welcomed relief).  I'm thinking fall may be right around the corner.  We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a great birthday. What a fun way to spend it! I love the bubbles/straw picture... very cool. Miss you!


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