
Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Unexpected...

This week we went to the hospital for a baby check up.  Things looked good with baby girl's heart and we had a good appointment, but we found out that we have a WHOLE lot of paperwork to get translated and in order before she gets here!  That is, they finally let us know this, after having been there three times now...

Cue unexpected trip to Vienna.  Thankfully, we were able to get all paperwork translated and fairly quickly (we arrived at 8:30 and had all papers by 2:30).  Definitely a blessing.

And while we were waiting on Emmerich (such a great Austrian name) to work his magic on our docs, we enjoyed some Starbucks (I'm admittedly a sucker for their chai tea latte), studied Slovak for a while, and walked around some.

Want a camera phone's view of Vienna?  Here ya go!

Starbucks, studying, paperwork, walking, and waiting...waiting on this baby to come!


  1. AHHH Viennna...great coffee, the best seems like we were just there. Oh wait,we were there not long ago but I think Ben and Kevin would rather have a "KrazyKriner".

  2. Sounds and looks like a banner day to me. I'm so thankful for the internet so we can see you and hear from you quicker. Just little blessings!! Pr@yers and love to you three...

  3. make me jealous....starbucks and having a baby in Europe. Rub it in, rub it in!!!!!!!!


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