
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Vianočné Trhy

One of the things Jas and I have been looking forward to since we've been in Bratislava is the Christmas market(s).  We've heard many good things about these festive markets here.

So when we found out it was going to be set up last weekend, we decided to hit it up!

Here's our quick recap.  First in words...
-It was quite cold (but Jas would say I am always cold)
-It was quite crowded (it was a Saturday night...and we did have the day we'll learn!)
-We tried our first ciganska (amazing bread, grilled chicken, toppings-a popular Slovak food and delish!)
-We loved the atmosphere
-We want to go back and do some shopping at the stands when it's less crowded (well, I want to check out the stands anyway, Jas just wants more food :)
-We really enjoyed it!

And now in pictures...

Lights abounded.  Love me some Christmastime.

Cute little wooden toys for sale at one of the stands.

Really love this picture for some reason.  That's our friend, Mirka.  She and her family own one of the stands at the market.  The lights in the square were out, so on this particular night all the stands were using candles to see.  Jas just thought they were going "old school" for a back-in-the-day-with-no-lights feel...haha.

There was even an ice skating rink (a la Rockefeller Center European style)!

And we ended the night with zemiakové špiralky (potato spirals).  We shared one, but for camera-holding purposes we switched off holding duty.  It was salty and yummy.  I could go for one now, actually.  For the record, our daughter was there, she was just tucked away warmly sleeping in her stroller.

That's our trip to the trh in a nutshell.  And now that we know what awaits, we're sure to go back :)


  1. Char, I love the pictures! Especially the first one.. I did glance back at it a couple times. Looks like a fun market to visit!

  2. Lu, I miss your beautiful face. ABAAPAAHATN

  3. Hopefully, we will experience it next year. It looks like fun and something we would enjoy.

    Mom & Dad

    P.S. Loved the picture of Mirka. Please tell her and her family hello and Merry Christmas from us.

  4. These posts are so cool! I love reading them! Also, the pictures of the trh make me miss home!!!! Can't wait to get back and have my own ciganska! :) Thanks for posting! Love you guys!

    Allison Holloway


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