
Monday, December 12, 2011

DEPO Mikulas Par-tay

We went to our first Mikulas party the other day!  It was at DEPO (our local youth community club type place) and everyone was supposed to come in a mask and/or a costume.

We were lacking in creativity as far as costumes go, but we did manage to crank out some masks (though they were pretty much ghetto and we didn't end up wearing them long because they didn't stay on well...I'm sure you wanted to know all that :)

Here's the little rockin' hers:

Then there was Jason and his mask with Darius, all dressed up... (pardon the blurry-ness)

And we had some really great food (Sonya's pizza dip was to. die. for.)

Along with some really good games.  Take this one for example...the classic white elephant gift swap (only we had good gifts...)

And then there was this fun game.  Each line squeezes hands and whoever grabs the object at the end first wins. Fun!

My friend, Bara, was there.  She helps me learn this often difficult language :)

And Elise doesn't always love doctors, but she loved Dr. Sonya! Cute.

Elise did great for most of the party. Then all the noise and people were starting to wear her down, so she and I headed home.  We sure enjoyed our first Mikulas party, times!


  1. Looking at the pics made us miss the Depo and everyone. Darius is so funny. Tell him I am looking forward to painting his nails again when he is a clown. Glad you all had fun! Tell everyone hello for us, too!

    Mom & Dad

    P.S. Sonya could make dirt taste good!

  2. What a fun party!! It looks like Elise had a great time! Oh, and a little birdy told me you guys made a video appearance at RBC yesterday morning. You should totally post it and make it a vlog day! I would love to see you guys and hear about Lotty Moon :)

  3. So fun!! Makes me miss DEPO and all the fun games we played. So cool to see some of the kids in the pics too - tell Veronica I like her haircut ;)


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