
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hoooo looks cute in a bow?

That little girl of ours is growing like a weed.  Seriously growing.

She has been growing out of her newborn clothes and even some of her 3 month things!  So the other day I decided we better put to use these little outfits that she's about to be too big for.

This cute owl onesie is one of those she's getting close to outgrowing.  But I loooove it.  I just think it's precious (thanks, Leigh!!!).

So here's the model herself donning a sweet green bow with her almost-too-small onesie that I can't get enough of...

How's that for a dose of cuteness?

And it's worth mentioning that said owl outfit even made it through the day poo-free.  Now that's a near miracle ;)


  1. awwww... love these pictures and love the bow! so sweet!

  2. She is so very beautiful. Kisses to our sweet girl. Forever love....

  3. Too cute! That half-grin is too yummy!! :)

  4. Her little face is just so sweet! So expressive!
    The outfit and bow aren't bad either :)

  5. A new born baby is a heavenly gift given to the parents by the god. A baby comes in this world along with heavenly delight and joy for his or her parents, relatives and neighbors. Celebration of the event of the birth of a baby is usually done by gifting the baby and parents. But it is really tough to find a gift that will be perfectly suitable for the baby. Newborn clothing are always useful in these situations.

  6. Now that is the way to start off my day! Love it ...she is so thankful that we can stay in touch through blog, facebook, skype.....but REALLY would love to hold that little bugga:)

    As always,
    Love you guys

  7. OMG, cuteness overload. I just can't get enough Elise pictures. Keep them coming, please! :)

  8. I love the little side smile and the classy little bow!


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