
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Feelin' A Bit Random

I happen to be one of those people that really likes random posts.  I like to write them and I really like to read them on other blogs.  Maybe it's because there are always approximately 10 things I am thinking of at once?  Or maybe because it gives a good snapshot of the daily (and those lil tid bits that may go unnoticed otherwise)?

Either way, here ya go, Thursday randomness...

My friend, Bara, gave me that little planner.  Cute, huh?
My mama gave me the owl journal.  At the moment it's being filled with tons of language notes (we have another big test next week...eep!)

Our bathroom currently looks like a pharmacy.  Jason is still in the healing process, but it's coming along!  He now walks more like a 30 year old instead of a 90 year old...

Sonya made these nuts for Bible study, and I just love the texture (and of course the flavor was great too).

Steph made this mobile for Elise and she LOVES it.  Every time I put her down for a nap in her crib, she takes about 10 minutes studying that thing before she falls asleep.

Oreos + Milka chocolate.  Oh. My. Yes. Amazing.

And this lil cute thing just wanted to say "peace out"!

Happy (random) Thursday :)


  1. Holy gorgeous baby batman!! It really is a wonder she makes it to the next day without being gobbled up! I LOVE the mobile! TOO cute!

  2. LOVE this last picture of Elise. Probably my favorite that I've seen of her yet. She's so darn adorable.

  3. Oh, yum - that Oreo Milka looks sooo good. And really - really - I just can't get enough Elise photos. PRESH

  4. Aw I got a shout out :-) I'm so happy Elise actually notices and enjoys it! I need to see what kind of manly shaped cut-outs they have so I can make one for my own now. And where the heck I can find paint samples. There aren't many "big box" stores around here either. ... I want that Milka bar ... And awesome picture of Elise. Her hair is really thickening up!

  5. Ahoj! I was reminded of your family recently when we had a Bible study at our house and 2 Slovak girls came. Oddly enough, there were no Czechs. One of the girls (who's a fairly new believer) moved here with her family when she was 8. The other (who's interested, but not yet a believer) moved here a couple of years ago to study at university. I thought I'd stop in here and say hello... and now can't stop smiling at the familiarity and similarities between our worlds. Have yet to seethe Milka Oreo bar, but we've certainly been amused by Oreo's full-on campaign in Prague and are SO happy to find them now in almost every potraviny. :)


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