
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Flower Power

The whole theme of a new year is out with the old, in with the new, correct?

So with that in mind, I took down our stockings hanging above the couch and went to work filling the space above with something new.  I've actually been wanting something on this big, white wall for some time now, but since we rent (and I've already probably put enough holes in the wall) I haven't come up with any "permanent" solution to date.

However, while perusing the clearance rack at Billa (our local potraviny, er, grocery store), I happened upon some red and pink felted flowers.  I scooped those lil guys up for a mere 2 euros...hooray happy Charity :)

I came home, strung them up, taped them to the wall (not the world's greatest solution), stepped back and admired them, AND did it all in a fabulous 15 minutes!

It isn't going to stay there forever, and yes, I know, it's only January, but what's happier than a wall of flowers on a cold winter's day?  I'm a fan.

I present to you our flower power wall--

(for the record, our couch never really looks like this.  there is usually some sort of blanket, toy, paci hanging out on the get the picture, right?)

I think it'll have to do for a short-term quick fix...but I sure do love those felt flowers.

I guess while I'm trying to figure out what I want to fill the big white space I'll just have to check out pinterest for inspiration, huh? :)

P.S.- if you have any creative ideas on filling a large blank wall (without creating many holes), send 'em my way.  Thanks!


  1. Not sure about the wall, but when you're done with the flowers you can always get a plain colored pillow(case) and sew/stitch them onto it?

    Speaking of pillowcases, I guess I do have an idea. We hung pillowcases made of old sari material (indian women's outfits) to our walls once. Not sure how you could attach it without making holes (I used curtain rods and rings with clips from IKEA), but I sure enjoyed the look!

  2. Cute!

    Do they have command strips/hooks in your neck of the woods? I used those like they were going out of style when I was at ASU, and in OUR former bedroom! haha

  3. Aw, I like 'em. I can't think of anything that doesn't require a hole off the top of my head, but I'll keep my wheels turning!

  4. i have bags and BAGS of plaid wallpaper i could send your way! : )


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