
Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 27: Chai Tea Latte...YES!

One of my favorite drinks EVER is chai tea latte.  I love it.  And I was somehow able to get Jas hooked on them during our first year of marriage.

Well, since moving to Slovakia, we had yet to find a place that has them. Until one day we heard that Shtoor, a local coffee shop, supposedly had them.

Since our friend Katja was dropping by Bratislava from Germany and wanted to meet was a great time to hit up Shtoor.

Lo and behold, they had chai tea latte...and it was GREAT!

We were both very pleased...and I'm certain we will be returning! (I took the above photo for my photo-of-the-day, courtesy of my phone)

And Jas snapped this one of Katja and I :)

Success!  Got to see Katja and drink a rockin' chai tea latte :)

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