
Monday, March 5, 2012

How I've missed you...

Oh my dear,

How I've missed you...

My grandmother is an artist.  A painter, really.  Though she dabbles in lots of creative areas, she's a painter through and through.  Her basement is filled with tons of them...on every wall.  And we're not talking dinky paintings either, these are legit.  For real.  She's good.

Growing up I always admired her skill.  I wanted to be like that.  I wanted to paint.

I loved art in high school, and took it again throughout college.  I even minored in art, I loved it so much.  And I've always loved painting.  Though I'm not nearly as good as my grandmother was/is (she's claimed to have given it up lately since her studio is downstairs...boooo), I thoroughly enjoy the process.

Sooooo while Jas was at a hockey game last night (post to come on that...front row seats, baby!) Elise and I were hanging out and painting.

I've only just begun, see...

...but I have big plans for this painting.  My hope was to start it while it's still cold out and be finished by the time warmer weather sets in...can't WAIT to get outside again (then I may just paint outside, too).

We'll keep you updated along the way and we'll see how it turns out ;)

Happy Monday!


  1. Gorgeous! I'm sure it'll turn out great!

  2. I am very thankful to God to have a beautiful mother, and a beautiful daughter who are both painters, and both talented in so many ways. I know our beautiful little granddaughter will be just as talented. All our love to each of you...


leave us some love!