
Friday, March 16, 2012

To Germany and Back...

We're back from our week in Germany...and we made it in one piece!

Overall, Elise did a GREAT job traveling, I'm thankful to say.  Let me break it down (mainly so I remember for the future)...

Flights:  On our flight TO Germany, E did GREAT.  She didn't cry at all, and slept mostly the whole way.  She took her paci almost the whole trip.  Walking the airports she was in her carrier and was just fine.  On our flight BACK to Slovakia, she did well until the airplane's descent.  She started crying from what I'm sure was the change in pressure.  Bottle didn't work, paci barely worked, but we did our best to distract her until we touched ground.  Then she recovered :)

Never fear, we documented her first flight, of course! (phone pics)

Conference week:  Given the circumstances, E's schedule was off most of the week and her nursing/napping times were changed...but all things considered she did a good job.  She didn't mind being passed from person to person and even showed off that little toothless grin.

Jas and I enjoyed the fellowship with friends, encouragement, and sessions.  We also got to take part in communion, which was a big blessing.  One afternoon, Jas and I got out in the lush green woods next to the conference center for some fresh air and good hubby/wife convo...

Since pics of he and I are less common these days, I felt two were needed ;)

We got to spend short but sweet time with these friends that we don't get to see often...

And while we were there Elise started (along with rolling over more and laughing) eating her feet...fascinating, haha.

Look at that baby tummy.  It's too much, I say, too much.

All in all, it was a refreshing and much needed week away.  Now I feel ready to start back with learning Slovak.  Bring it on, grammar, bring it on...


  1. That forest is very Potter-ish and I like that. My belly doesn't have a pudgy belly :/ thanks for posting your baby's!

  2. I'm so glad you and Jason got a little break...those woods look so serene! I just want to blow on those belly rolls, hehe :)


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