
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Celebrating Easter with Tissues

Say whaaaat!?  I know you're wondering how tissues have anything to do with Easter.

Well, last night our skupinka (small group) put together some tissue paper flowers and small bags of candy to give out to neighbors in our apartment building.

The bags came together quite nicely (yum chocolate!) and included a Bible verse as well as an invitation to come join us anytime.  The flowers also turned out splendidly!  Our friend Maruska had the creative idea for the flowers and everyone else chipped in and brought various items for the bags.  Team work = good stuff (even if it did take us until well into the evening to complete it all ;)

I, of course, had fun photographing the flowers this morning.

Below...the final product to be given out.

And one last (funny) shot of part of our group working hard...

Haha.  That picture makes me laugh.

And that, my friends, is what tissues have to do with Easter.  Hopefully these mini gifts will be well-received!

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