
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Gotta Love the Weekend

Don't you just love weekends?  They're just a nice break from the regular grind.

We enjoyed a good weekend this past one (actually we'll start with this Thursday and work through Saturday evening)...

Thursday we had a language test.  This is what E did while we were straining our brains :)  (and she got her first real bruise that morning when sweet baby fell over and hit her head on a toy before we could get to her).

However, afterwards, we discovered a new coffee shop downtown where we treated ourselves to post-brain-strain shakes...yum.

This one just made the cut because that's a cute lil crab tub toy...and she's cute.  And they're cute in the tub together :)

Saturday post-breakfast (for her) this lil face was all smiles and ready to go...

Then we headed off to Vienna to see Ben in his school performance of "Beauty and the Beast."  Sadly, I was too busy either holding the little one and/or watching the show that I didn't snap any pics, but trust me, Ben did GREAT and the play was good!

On our way home we stopped by a large mall nearby where we found one of these... (Swoon.  Starbucks chai tea latte = a forever favorite)

In that last picture everyone was trying hard to get Elise to look. Ha!

And this is how she spent her time in the mall...all snuggled up to dad.

And speaking of her dad, he's a great hubby.  He surprised me with these rays of sunshine this weekend, too!

But to top it all off we found out that we are going to be aunt and uncle (and cousin) to a sweet little baby BOY!!!!  Marianne and Nate skyped us in for a family dinner where everyone got to have a jelly-filled cupcake at the end of the meal.  The cupcakes were filled with blueberry jam.  Yahoo!

And that was our weekend...a good one at that.

In other news, Instagram and camera phones should be called "real camera killers."  I'm hating that I haven't picked up my Nikon in a few days, er, close to a week.  That's going to have to change.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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