
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Feelin' Tribal

I wouldn't generally call myself a trendy person (though maybe I am more than I like to admit!??), but lately I'm finding myself really diggin' all things tribal in appearance.

I love, love the bold color usage.  Being a doodler myself, I think the repeated shapes/patterns really appeal to me too.  I'm quite the fan of this latest tribal trend.

Recently I started a "tribal inspiration" board on pinterest to collect my growing sources of's a sampling:



As I've recently (almost) finished my current painting (post soon to come!), I'll be using this board as a source for my next project.

So, with all that said on my current tribal fascination, when I stumbled on these adorable shoes in H&M, I got a little giddy...

So...I didn't really need them, but they were a steal and quite cute...and I have a feeling I will wear them out.

Are you in to any trends lately?  What's your current source of inspiration? I'd love to hear!

1 comment:

  1. Sewing baby girl things has grabbed me pretty tight! Also, I've found myself scanning "how to's" and photos of braided hair...and as corny as it sounds I can trace this fascination back to watching "The Hunger Games" and how simple and stylish Katniss Everdeen looked with her braid! Problem with this is my hair goes to my ears...and my daughters is even shorter! HA! Maybe I should grow it out?

    And one last thing...LOVE H&M!! Got the boys swim trunks there for this year. Such cool stuff and for good prices!


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