
Friday, May 4, 2012


It's no secret that I've thoroughly been enjoying Instagram.  I like looking back at the little things captured throughout the week.  After all, it's the small things right? :)

(not to mention one of my favorite posts in the blogosphere are those found on Friday's over here and here)

You can find us on instagram here:  palmerponderings

So how about a rundown of the past week...

Waking up to this little face makes the early mornings a little less intense...haha.

She also figured out how to pull herself up in her crib this week...which has resulted in a bumped head once or twice.  Big girl life lessons.

We took a couple walks around the lake this past week.  I gleaned some mama knowledge from this lil duckie ma and her duckettes.

E also got to try out her new sun hat for the first time....stylishly baby adorable and keeps the sun of those baby cheeks.  Mama-approved.

Wearing these makes my feet feel happy.  Hip-Hip-Hooray for comfy, colored shoes.

Elevator mirror shot of a tired, sweaty baby.

Things are now in full bloom here...which means gorgeousness and sneezing all at once.

"Mom, what in the world are these things on my feet!?"  First time wearing shoes = hilarious.

Great color combination...feeling inspired by it already.

Hope you all had a happy week!  Can you believe it's MAY already!?!

life rearranged


  1. Hi Charity! What a gorgeous family you have! I am freaking out that it is May already! Ha! Have a great weekend :) xo

  2. Toms are awesome. E has some incredible, striking blue eyes- what a little sweetheart!


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