
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Last Few and A lot Going on!

I wanted to post the a last few photos from the time spent with my ma and grandma on our day around town.

(that one above is a little chaotic, but I like it nonetheless...we take those buses EVERYWHERE)

Huge portions of deliciousness at one of our favorite restaurants by the lake.

Overlooking the Danube.  It's certainly not blue like it's said.

And as I was looking through these photos again I was reminded of how our time here started way back when (before we actually moved here).  After all, a little known fact, Jas and I did get engaged here in Slovakia.  Which had me wanting to look at the photos from my very first trip...

Apparently I have a thing for photos of old lights.

Not far from where we got engaged...gorgeous.

Our first trip together to Slovakia...little did we know we would end up living here and even have a child here!  My how God has plans!

And Sonya, that last one is for you :)

Sometimes it's fun to take a trip down memory lane.  It's good to be reminded that God has His hand in our lives when it's so easy to float by in the busy-ness of everyday life.

And believe me, life is busy lately...but good busy. We're in the midst of a jam-packed month.  Team, conference, team, family in town, vacay...and not to mention all of that with a lil tot "cruising" around.  So, it's possible that things may get a little slim over here these next few weeks, but I'm sure I'll be popping in and out with an update or two...for those of you who do join us here on our little part of the ole 'net :)

Now it's off to bed because I'm sure I'll need all the energy I can muster for the weeks ahead.  Here goes!

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