
Monday, June 11, 2012

Oreo Bark: A Great Go-To

Do you have one of those recipes that you just "go to" when in need?

Yeah, I do too.  This is one of those for me.

I made some just today for our friend Ben who is graduating from high school this week (Congrats...and sorry for the spoiler! :)

But I honestly make this stuff often.  It's good.  It's simple.  And it's generally a big hit.  I'm down with all that.

There are, of course, a ton of bark recipes (and varities!) online and about a million ways to do this...but this is just my tried and true method that works for me:

1.  Crush your Oreos (I just do it in a bag with a rolling pin...but I know there are other ways...)
2.  Melt your chocolate in a microwaveable bowl for 30 seconds.  Stir, then microwave another ~20 seconds.  If you need to microwave it more, do so, but just make sure that it's liquid-y and not overdone...or it won't work!
3.  Add your crushed Oreos to the microwaveable bowl of chocolatey goodness and mix (note: this step needs to be done pretty quickly, if not, the chocolate will harden enough that it won't be usable)
4.  Pour on parchment paper and spread out.
5.  Add sprinkles...of course!!!
6.  Put in the refrigerator to harden up.  I like to leave mine overnight.
7.  Crack in to pieces and then box it up to share, or EAT it right then and there!

Oh, and don't forget to lick the bowl once you've got it all laid out...

Sure wouldn't want all that deliciousness to go to waste!!!

Do you have a favorite recipe that you use often?  I'd love to hear your "go-to's"!

1 comment:

  1. All you need is a pic of Elise licking the spatula like you and Graham used to do. ILY


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