
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Her First Dip

We're not talking about eating ranch...we're talking about in the ocean!!! (yes, that was cheesy ;)

We took E to the beach one afternoon while in Greece and I think it's safe to say she thoroughly enjoyed it.  It makes this beach-lovin' mama's heart happy to know that her girl could be a potential beach bum.  Or, who knows, maybe she'll end up loving the shade like her pops...but if we're going off of just this first time at the beach, then wahooo...our girl is going to enjoy the mess out of sun and sand.

Topless and dirty face (from snacking on sand no less)...doesn't get much cuter.  (She does have a cute polka-dot bathing suit, but eh, when in Europe do as the Europeans do...right?  At least for now, that is.)

My man, our babe, and the ocean.  Love.

Our friend Brian snapped some of the three of us to document the occasion...and we're so glad he did.  Thanks, B!

(Don't know why I'm scrunching my nose in that one above, but I like it  nonetheless...)

I couldn't help but include this last one.  Her lil face cracks. me. up.  I do believe she was getting splashed in the face, but it couldn't have been captured at a cuter moment.

We sure did enjoy our day at the beach...though shortly after these pics were taken Daddy and E went to take a nap.  Sometime during that nap E wet all over Dad and our two towels.  But it was both memorable and note-worthy ;)


  1. so fun! I love the beach pictures... glad you were able to enjoy the ocean for a day

  2. What a cutie! Love the beach pics, and love your suit too ;)

  3. Now I know exactly how people feel when I say, "we're going to our meeting in Bali." :)


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