
Monday, July 9, 2012

Life Lately... way of Instagram :)

Yep, we've been a little silent around here, but it's because this month has been full on, jam-packed.

Pic 1:  A lil head bump got this girl down and out for a bit, but she bounced back, no worries ;)
Pic 2:  This is how my hubby eats watermelon...g to the ross.
Pic 3:  All last week was spent at camp.  Above you see one of the many water games!
Pic 4:  My sweet friend Zuzana surprised me with these handmade earrings one them.
Pic 5:  I may or may not have downed a whole pack of Oreos this past week (all by myself).  I know, I know, don't talk to me about it (the shame!)
Pic 6:  I loved this pillow found at a restaurant this past week.  Inspiration for a future project?  I think so!
Pic 7:  This lil girl had a blast in the my mama opinion she's 100% adorbs ;)
Pic 8:  Tons of graffiti around town, but this is my fav spotted so far.
Pic 9:  She's officially learned that the remote controls the tv...ruh roh.

So that's just a small glimpse into our happenings lately.  We're still chugging along over here!  We'll be around this week plowing through some more language study and then mid-week next week we're off to a conference.

Happy Monday! :)

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