
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Under the Parachute

That's the name of the weekly mama group that meets on Wednesday mornings.

I know you're wondering what it is, so let me explain ;)

It's a varying group of us that meet and bring our small kiddos to spend time around the parachute and sing songs/play games.

So far we've done it three times and it's truly been great.  My fearless friend Boba leads everyone in songs and games on/around the parachute and we mamas keep the tiny ones involved as best possible (which realistically looks like a mom hopping up every few minutes to catch a rogue child, but then they come back and continue on :)  It's quite fun.  Then afterwards we try to grab some time to chat together...which is encouraging just to be around other moms....but...'s always challenging (but good!) practice for my Slovak.  Thankfully all the women have been patient with me so far and I'm really grateful for that because I do make mistakes quite often haha.

The babies range in age, so far, from 9 months to 17 months.  They're all cute and it's funny to watch them play and interact.  I really am loving these Wednesday mornings and hope that we can figure out a way to continue them (indoors) somewhere come fall.

And because you know I want to show you some photos, I stole this collage from Boba.

Fun, fun, fun :)

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