
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lookin' Back at the Week...

Happy Sunday, friends!

The last week and a half we've been hanging with family and it's been gooood.  

But let's recap with a few pictures from recently, shall we? :)

Picture 1:  A total "mom-of-the-year" moment for me...we were out eating lunch and E filled her diaper with, well, the messy stuff.  It was a double-teamer, so Jas and I took her to the park bench where we got her changed (there were no kid-friendly bathrooms at this restaurant).  Unfortunately it just happened to be the one day I didn't have a change of clothes for the lil...soooo she went back into the restaurant sans clothing until we could get home.  Oh goodness, we got a few looks!

Picture 2:  Post-lunch rest at the castle gates.

Picture 3:  I had some of my favorite instagram moments printed out by prinstagram.   I'm quite pleased with how they turned out and can't wait to get them up on the wall...I have big plans for 'em!

Picture 4:  Love this sweet sleeping face.  Does it get any sweeter?

Picture 5:  I can't believe it.  I just can't believe it.  I'm starting to like sushi.  Yep, you read that right.  This once completely anti-sushi girl is becoming a convert.  I'm still no legit sushi eater (so far I'm sticking to just simple rolls), but it's progress nonetheless.  My husband, ever the sushi fan, is quite pleased by this.

Picture 6:  The grandparents watched lil E and my man and I got to have a date night out.  We went to dinner (see above about sushi) and then to a movie...the first movie we've been to together since Elise was born!  Fun stuff!

Next week the three of us are heading to Italy for a few days for a getaway and we're looking forward to it.   Wow, where oh where did the summer go?  Yeeesshhh!

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