
Thursday, August 23, 2012

We Got Our Vacation on: Venice Trip

I mentioned in the last post that we were able to hop a boat and spend a day in Venice during our vacation.

Our lil girl was a trooper for the day, and I have to say her dad was too.  Poor guy got his muscles worked out lifting her up and down all over the bridges of Venice (there are +/- 400 bridges in Venice...if that gives you any idea!).  I just told him it would make his already hot arms even hotter :)

The boat ride there took about thirty minutes.  Elise made friends with some elderly Italian ladies.  I love these below two shots for some reason...I think it has everything to do with the lighting.
All the old buildings are just so intricate and inspiring.  Wouldn't the windows below make really interesting stamps or designs for a project?

Of course we had to find the gondolas.  When I visited Venice some six years ago I thought it would be a neat experience to ride in one.  Well, it's not exactly a cheap experience, so it was pretty quickly vetoed back then.  However, my hubby insisted on a gondola ride for my birthday (which is next week) I said yes!  I still can't believe we did it (I get a little weak from sticker shock if I think about it too much!), but I'm pretty sure hubs was proud of himself for giving me what he called "a great birthday experience." ;)

Instead of holding hands and snuggling up while being toted through the water, Jas and I were pretty consumed with keeping that bundle of energy above from falling in!  (not quite how I imagined it six years ago, but I wouldn't change it for anything!!)

We did see some pretty gorgeous scenes.  This should be a watercolor painting...

Venice is definitely one beautiful, unique city.  Very thankful we got to visit.  I took quite a few pictures...more of those coming up next!


  1. The periwinkles of your outfits couldn't have found a better backdrop than Venice! So fun you got to go!!

  2. You rode in a gondola - yay!!! You can just imagine y'all were staring in each others eyes the whole time ;-) I love the first picture of Elise and the second to last one of Italy... please paint it!

  3. We have those windows in India- I want to make block print curtains out of them- there are so many things that could be done with them.


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