
Monday, October 8, 2012

Sharing some NEWS!

So today we've got some news to share:

It's true!  She's going to be a big sis :)

I'm currently 13 weeks pregnant (due early to mid April) and this time around things are different than when I was pregnant with Elise.  With E I was sick (literally) almost every day for 28 weeks straight!  Ick.  This time around I've been sick, but not as often or as regularly.  I've also been dealing with tiredness and bloating which I didn't really have first pregnancy....but all that to say, we're hanging in over here :)

We're thankful and excited that Elise is going to have a little brother or sister, but of course we're prayerful and hopeful that it will be a healthy pregnancy (and baby!).  Thanks for praying with us!


  1. What a cool way to share the news!!!!! Much love to you all.

  2. YEAH!!!! Sooooo happy to hear your wonderful news. Sounds like a boy! :)

  3. WOOP WOOP! I've been wondering when this announcement would be coming, I had a feeling! Different pregnancy, maybe a boy this go 'round? So fun! Congrats!

  4. YAY! God is good! And an extra YAY for less sickies!

  5. EEE!!! SO excited for you. And yay for April babies! Bennett would be glad to share the 13th with baby P#2 if he/she would like to come out then :)

  6. Jason and Charity, HOW PRECIOUS! We are praising God with you. I don't know how you kept it a secret for 13 weeks!! Glad to hear you're not as sick, Charity. We will be praying for y'all and this baby. Love y'all!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. By the way, this is Becca (even though it says Jonathan)!

  7. congratulations! how exciting that Elise is going to be a big sister!! i know you guys are thrilled! can't wait to follow along :)

  8. Congratulations!!! How exciting!!! Praying for a safe pregnancy and baby!! What a blessing!! :)

  9. Oh my word! We are so excited for y'all! How far apart will they be? Gideon & Charlotte are 17 months! Can't wait to hear more about Baby Palmer!


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