
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Twenty Weeks and It's A ???

Half way there!!!  Already!?  Wow.

I think this time around it's going quicker.  Probably because there's an active little 14 month old in my life :)  And for that, I'm grateful.

To be honest, I'm not sure I'd know I was pregnant if it weren't for this little baby moving in my belly.  I still only feel movement a couple of times a day, but when I do, I sure know it.  Those little movements are by and large my favorite part of pregnancy.  I'm so thankful to be feeling better this pregnancy.  Twenty-eight weeks of sickness with Elise was, well, not fun, so I'm beyond thankful for a less-nauseated go at it this time.

Here's da belly...

We went to the doc this past week and found out that even though I am feeling completely different this go 'round...

It's true!  Elise is going to have a baby sister.  And we are quite excited!!  This time around I think we're going to share the name, but it's still in the works.  We'll keep you posted ;)

As always, thank you so much for praying along with us for this baby...means so much!


  1. We are so thankful to God for the blessing of another beautiful, little granddaughter! Now we have three gorgeous girls, including their Mommy! And they have such a sweet daddy! We love you always and forever....

  2. YEAH!!! So excited! Another girl....perfect <3

  3. Yay! Sisters! I hope you get one that looks like you this time! Congrats! And nooooow you know what all the fuss is about the 2nd trimester being so awesome! No nausea and a not too big belly and sweet kicks! Live it up!

  4. Eee!!! That's so exciting!!! Elise is going to lve having a little sister. I can't wait to meet that sweet little girl (and can't wait to hear what her name is too!). Glad you are feeling better momma. Love you!

  5. yayy for another girl! you look great! so glad you are feeling better this time around

  6. Congrats friend!! So fun with another girl!! I love that. You're looking good and glad there's less nausea this time around. Love you much!

  7. awww yay! congratulations! how wonderful that elise will have a sister :) glad this go around is much easier!

  8. Awesome! Girls are such a blessing!! We are so excited for you guys.

  9. Congrats!!! What a blessing!! :)

  10. And because it's a girl again, you don't have to buy any new baby clothes/stuff - yay!


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