
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Stepping Back in Time...Part 2

After Christmas in Hickory, we headed to Durham to spend time with more people we love.

But let's jump straight into the pictures, shall we?

Yes, my sis-in-law really is that awesome...she made a little snowman out of ranch dip and it was delish.

We woke up Christmas morning and dove into presents.  Then the guys (well, most of the guys ;) made breakfast for us ladies.  Yum.

We call that one above, "Snuggles with Grandpa."

Haha...that one makes me laugh.  E and Uncle Nate (being a goof as usual :)

The best shot we got of the cousins and their babies.

And then I made my girl do a photo shoot with me.  That one is blurry but I love it nonetheless.  But she kept moving like the active toddler she is, so I tried to keep her head in place...ha!

Love that one above, even though homegirl isn't looking...

And one of my favorite things was getting to hang out with this lil studly man... (do excuse the double chin I'm sporting, however :)

And finally, one lady picture of us in our new aprons (thanks Aunt Patti!).

Just like in Hickory, we got to see some dear friends that we hadn't seen in awhile.  It was so very, very good.  Unfortunately those pictures are all scattered around the internet and instead of rounding them up I'll just tell you that we were so grateful to see so many of the ones we love in such a short period of time.

Thankful, oh so thankful, for the friends and family God has given us...they're blessings!

And with's a Christmas wrap!


  1. So glad you got to go! What a great treat!

  2. I still think it's so great you guys got to come home for Christmas. I'm sure it's one you'll remember forever! Loved all the pics :)

  3. Enjoyed seeing all the pictures of you and the family! Evan had those same polka dot reindeer pjs ;)


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