
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Thirty Weeks!

...or thereabouts.

It's kinda craziness to me how quickly this pregnancy has gone compared to when I was preggo with E.  I guess that makes sense since she keeps us on our toes (toddlers do that sort of thing, ya know?).

Not too much has changed in the last weeks, other than adding in some minor heartburn, tiredness, a voracious appetite, being hot all the time, and sleeplessness.  All of that comes with pregnancy, I believe :)  I usually do feel pretty wiped out at the end of the day and I attribute that to ending the second trimester and welcoming the third.  I'm still so, so thankful that this pregnancy has been a good bit easier than with Elise.  It's been so helpful since this time around we've had a little one in tow.  We have a gracious God.

Here's da you can see, we're shaping up! ;)

In other news, Nora was breech time before last, but as of yesterday's appointment she's head down.  However, she is a mover and a shaker and is flipping around a lot.  We're just praying she will end up head down for her big debut in April.  You can join us in prayer for that, if you'd like :)

We also visited the hospital we'll deliver at and set up our 38 week appointment.  It's getting real! Wildness.

Finally, her due date is still kind of whack.  She's supposedly estimated to arrive around the 2nd of April, but she's measuring anywhere between a week "behind" and two weeks "behind" whenever we we'll see what happens...thank goodness God already has it planned out and hopefully all we have to do is just watch, pray, and be attentive to body signs warning of a forthcoming baby ;)

Thanks for joining us in this journey!


  1. Praise God for the flip, Nora!!!!! We love you!!!

  2. You look great! And I agree that this pregnancy has gone by much faster than Elise's. But maybe that's bc I'm not pregnant this time and I've had 3 to chase around while you grow that sweet babe. :) Hope you find rest these last weeks!

  3. Yay for being head down! Lets hope she stays that way. And you can tell Nora that April 13th sounds like a great day to make her debut :) Love youuuu

  4. Audrey was born April 2....but her due date was 6 weeks later :)....You look fantastic. We miss you guys. It was so wonderful seeing you all over Christmas. Only problem is it makes me miss you more!

  5. Pretty girl! You know how to rock a baby bump.


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