
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

32 weeks!

Whew, we've been busy the last week or so and thus blogging hasn't happened as planned, but here's the rundown on the baby bump :)

It's just flying by this time around.  We're 32 weeks now and more and more ready everyday to meet our Nora.

Here's the latest belly shot...(still need to take a formal 32 week shot, but we got to spend some time with our friends the Mcclure's this week and so we nabbed a shot of our two preggo bellies :)

At the doc the other day Nora was head down, which is a praise!  We're just hoping and praying she decides to stay that way in the coming weeks.  She's measuring pretty right on track now, which is good, because the two week discrepancy seems to be narrowing.  Hopefully this means she'll come towards the beginning of April.  Supposedly I'm a bit anemic and need more iron in my blood because my count was quite I may need to take some iron supplements...but we'll see.

I''m still feeling pretty well, but I am more often tired and I do now have regular backaches.  Sleeping isn't so easy at night and I'm still constantly hungry...haha!  I've already gained more this time than I did overall with Elise.  Let's just hope it doesn't decide to hang on.  

And I think that's pretty much it, just ready (and constantly prayerful) for the day we get to meet our girl!


  1. Great updates and pics. Love the stories. Helps in prayer.

  2. Great updates and pics. Love the stories. Helps in prayer.

  3. So fun! I've had to do iron pills everytime after biggie if you have to! Can't wait to meet little Nora. April will be here before you know it!


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