
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Little Photo Shoot

Our friend, Paul, who has quite the creative eye took a few family photos for us the other day.  I'm not sure, actually, that we've ever had family photos done, so this was quite nice and needed.  He did a great job given that it was certainly windy (and quite chilly too) and it was closing in on E's nap time.

And I just wanted to throw that last one in here in the spirit of keeping things real.  We were cracking up because A) it was cold, B) we felt like quite a few of the shots we took could've been on the Awkward Family Photos website, and C) Elise was quite distracted by another little girl driving a rechargeable car in front of our building.  That all added up to some very hilarious shots to say the least!

Thanks, Paul, for capturing at least a few decent shots of us ;) We appreciate it!

I think we'll get my father-in-law to get a few more family shots (hopefully without all the wind and cold) before Nora arrives when they come in a few weeks.  Seems kind of crazy that we'll soon be a family of four...say what!?!??!!?


  1. Aww - I love that third one! So good of all of you! And I feel ya on family pics with babies. We usually require an army of entertainers to make B look at the camera :)

  2. cute pictures! can't believe Nora comes so soon!

  3. There's no shame in being on Awkward Family Photos:

  4. Cute. My real favorite is the third but my fun favorite is the laughing one. :)

  5. Aw I really like the fourth one! And I want a cute coat like Elise :)


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