
Monday, March 18, 2013

Reminding Myself...

Some (mostly simple) things I'm thankful for today...

* bright colorful mugs
* a cute little energy-filled toddler (even though she's going through a squealing stage)
* friends who send random messages of encouragement
* chai tea
* my crockpot!
* a husband who is willing and eager to help
* family coming soon
* naptime
* being nearly full-term
* coloring (it's SO not just for kids :)
* baby hiccups
* a fun-to-be-around language tutor
* and pictures of sunny days to help me keep in mind that they will come again :) (NO. MORE. SNOW!!)...

Just needed to remind myself of some of the little things in life after a week of passing around sickness, a constant feeling of no energy, documents being stolen (all being worked out, however), and MORE snow.  Haha.  Could've been a whole lot worse, but sometimes you just need a visual pick-me-up, right?  Here's to a new week and a fresh reminder of His grace abounding.  Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. "Here's to a new week and a fresh reminder of His grace abounding." Love that. I never stop needing a reminding of the good things and of His grace in my life. Particularly living overseas I find it's sometimes harder to focus on the good and keep my perspective in line. Thanks for the reminder friend. :)


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