
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hi, Nora Rose!

We are so happy to introduce to you our latest addition, Nora Rose...

More to come on her birth story, but after two unsuccessful induction attempts on Tuesday, Nora decided to enter the world at 5:56 am on Wednesday morning (April 10th) instead.  She weighed in at approximately 8 pounds 4 ounces (3750 grams).  We are SO excited she is finally here and beyond thankful for this new blessing.

Big sis is hanging in there and just starting to learn what it means to have a new baby around!

And we are all on our way to making the transition to being a family of four...

(photos taken by Jason and grandparents...whom we are thankful to have had here to help out and love on us!)

Welcome, sweet baby, so glad you finally decided to come ;)


  1. Welcome Nora! You are just too sweet! Hope your recovery is quick and that nursing, constant diaper changes, and nap schedules are all locked in and done quickly and easily this go-round. Hope your status as "Veteran" mom eases things a bit! What exciting times for your family...soooo excited for y'all!

  2. Welcome to the world baby Nora! Glad your'e finally here and healthy! These are sweet pictures, Char. Enjoy your time with the Palmers and getting to know your new little one. Wish I could be there to meet her in person! Love you much friend!

  3. Love your whole sweet family (((HUGS))))

  4. Yay Yay Yay! She is beautiful and I can't tell if she looks like Elise or not.... you need to post some comparison photos down the road, please. I love the family of four picture.... so sweet how Elise is looking at Nora!! And OMG, Elise looks like such a big girl (and a PALMER!!) in the last picture. WOW! SO happy she is here!!


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