
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Just Missing My Grandma

My mama has been in town now for the past week or so and today we snapped a few three generation pics.

(Please note Nora's face...the hilariousness!  And having E eat a snack is probably the best way to keep her toddler self semi focused for a mini photo shoot...)

There's a chance I may be a little biased (I mean, I am their mama ;) but those are two seriously cute little girls.  Tee hee.

We're just missing my grandmother...if she were here it'd be a four generation pic!  But I'm hoping and praying we can make that happen in the and miss her.

(In other news, isn't that a fun and colorful bedspread!?  Thank you, IKEA.  Girls' room update coming soon...I know the suspense is killer ;)


  1. Those are eight beautiful blue eyes. Miss all of you

  2. Look at all those lovely ladies! And I'm so glad you found a quilt at Ikea. I think E would have been about 15 if you waited for me ;) lol.


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