
Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Weekend Away

This past weekend we packed up the car again and headed about two hours away to hang out with our friends the Ban's.  They graciously invited us to spend some time with them at their chata (mountain cabin that many Slovaks have to enjoy during the warm months particularly).

Let me just make a note here that traveling with a baby and a toddler is no easy feat.  We're talking gear upon gear upon gear we need for those two when hitting the roads.  I think we must over-think it...and I still forgot stuff (namely Elise's underwear...inconvenient!).  Oh well.  Ya live, ya learn how to travel with babies.

Over the weekend we chatted, mowed the lawn (well, Jas did...which he loved!), took care of the babies (they have a sweet 6 month old), grilled out, celebrated Father's Day with candy and a card, played games, ate ice cream, took a mini hike, and just enjoyed time together.  It was quite nice...but I'm sure you'd rather just see pictures, huh?

Here ya go...

Meet Debi.  Yeah, she's seriously cute.

 Father's Day pic with the babes.

 Elise picked these and I loved how the sun was shining on them.  Photo op!

A new favorite pic of these two.

You ask the girl to give you a model pose, and this is what she does :)


With our little N.  I think it looks like she's smiling here.

And here it looks like N is a little terrified of Debi ;)  These two are just a few months apart...cuteness (and I'm still laughing about N's face).

Thanks, Ban's, for a fun weekend!  Let's do it's hoping next time we won't forget anything! :)

1 comment:

  1. hahaha I'm still laughing too... and Debi's little cap is too cute! Sounds like a great weekend. Glad y'all got a nice little getaway. :)


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