
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Road Trippin'

This past weekend we took a road trip out east to visit our dear friends, the Holloway's.

A road trip in which we passed castles the likes of this one...

Which just so happens to be (so I hear) the third largest castle ruins in Central Europe.  Pretty cool, huh?

And what should've been a five hour trip definitely took six hours plus some with a nursing baby and an active toddler.  So we made a stop at one of the only kid-friendly, quick stops on Slovakian roads, McD's, baby.

(phone photo...we still haven't joined the ranks of the iphone holders, thus the lesser quality pic :)

However, we did finally make it and enjoyed a lovely three days in Presov.  We went to DEPO (local youth community hangout), ate some delicious food (I think I gained at least a pound!), visited a local market where Elise fell into a fountain (or perhaps was's still up for debate ;), and went to their local church.  Of course we also hit up the park...

...and while we were there we made sure to get a group shot.  First, a serious one, then a funny one :)

Elise and Nora didn't really get the funny face memo, though.  And I think I'm the only one who really bought into the whole funny face thing ha (crazy eyes, much?).  Let me just add, I'm surprised I was even able to smile in between all the sneezing I was doing...allergies were RIDICULOUS for me that day.  Whew.

And I'm adding this picture of these two hanging out at their house because I just love it.

All in all, it was big fun and we were so glad to be able to spend some time with these two!

But all big fun has to come to an end sometime (or does it?), and we made our way back to the Blava (aka Bratislava).  Only this time instead of having sleeping babies we had major blow outs and even a massive throw up episode...poor lil E! :(

But we made it home.  See you next time, Presov (and Holloways)!


  1. E's pigtails are adorable! Leave it up to her momma to keep with the latest hair fashion trends :) Missing you all!

  2. What a fun trip! (Less the throw up, of course - poor E!). You never cease to amaze me that you can road trip it with at toddler and a baby. You rock, girl.

  3. I like how E is looking back at all of y'all in the funny photo, and I imagine her thinking "What is wrong with these adults!?!?" hehe :) I love her little firecracker pigtails.... OMG!!!


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