
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Nora Rose - 3 Months!

This little cutie is three whole months old.  And rockin' her tie-dye too :)

(something is off with the settings on our camera, so I need to sit down and figure it out.  Haven't had the chance yet, but I will soon!)

Some quick notes on our girl...

~ I'd say she weighs somewhere around 11 pounds, though we don't go back until the end of July.

~ She can roll over from her back to her belly and will do it pretty often!

~ She's giving out lots more smiles but it sure is hard to catch on camera.

~ She just started "talking" with coos and small little sounds.  Too cute.

~ Still sleeps from 10 pm until around 5 am every night and for that I couldn't be more thankful.

~ Doing a great job with nursing though she eats small meals and often throughout the day.  After this crazy busy travel month I think we'll start working towards getting her on some kind of schedule.

~ We can't imagine our family without her.  We think she's pretty swell :)

Love love that last winky pic.  We're big fans of our tiny girl!

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