
Monday, July 1, 2013

There IS Still Time...

...for ART!!!

And that makes me happy.  Now let's be honest, it's not consistent chunks of time and projects take nearly double the time to complete...but, there is still time to be found for art-making :)

For instance, one early morning we decided to bust out the Crayolas.  Elise started practicing circles and I, on a whim, started drawing a sunflower (probably because the weather was drab for a June day and I was dreaming of the warm sun).

Well, E lasted all of ten minutes with her circle drawing, but I was pleased with where my flower was going.  So over the course of the next couple of naptimes and bedtimes, I continued adding color after color, layer after layer.

I finally deemed it finished.  And while I thoroughly enjoyed the process, I was reminded just how much I love my Prismacolors (colored pencils).  Crayons have far fewer blending capabilities and I couldn't get quite the detail I desired with my thicker crayons as I could have with the pointed colored pencils.

How's that for nerdy art talk!? :)

But I still think I'll find a place for it on our walls one day...

So there is still time after all for fitting in small art projects here and there...even when there's an active toddler and hungry baby to be fed ;)  Three cheers for art (and cute kiddos who keep us on our toes! :)


  1. This is the same feeling I get when I listen to my older sister sing or play the piano (and I have nothing to contribute)...some people are just born with it!

  2. I think you got a lot of detail in it! You're a great artista!


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