
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Is It Already Wednesday?

Well, technically here in Slovakia it is well on its way to Thursday...but I feel like this week is just flying by.

I'm guessing I feel like this because we spent the weekend away.  Weekends away always seem to make the coming week go by faster.

Is that just me?

I'm strange ;)

Anyway, we spent our time celebrating birthdays, listening to Jas preach (which he did in Slovak...proud of him!), playing baseball with some students, visiting a market, visiting friends who had just moved, and being in good company.  A full and quality couple of days.
Any moment with this girl in my arms is a good moment.  She's no longer a baby, but more and more an "independent" little toddler girl.
 Just couldn't help but put this one above in here again...I LOVE this pic!
And I'll end with these three of our jumping bean girl.  She could spend all day jumping if we let her, I'm convinced.
Ok, Thursday, let's do this!

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