
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sister Love

Oh these sisters.  The things they do to my heart is kinda incredible.

Their most recent feats:  1) some sisterly bonding, and 2) being sick.

I took these pics a day or two ago when Nora was just getting over her fever/chest cold/cough and just a day before Elise got what we now know is laryngitis and a virus.  Booooooo.  It's been a rough week for the tiniest Palmer girls.  

But while all that sickness has been a-brewin', their love has been growing ever deeper.  It's been amazing to see how they've started to interact.  Elise loves her Nora.  She always asks for Nora, talks about Nora, notices Nora, lays on Nora, kisses Nora, and well, you get the picture.  And what does Nora think of Elise?  Well, Nora lights up with a huge smile whenever Elise gives her attention.  Not to mention I've never seen a baby smile when her big sister lays on her.  It's cuteness overload.

See, there it is...straight up laying on her face. 

Those two above are blurry, but I love them all the same. 

Maybe, just maybe, all that lovin' resulted in some sickness sharing?  Who knows, but oh man, seeing their love grow makes me so happy and thankful.  And seeing them sick, that just makes my mama heart hurt.  Here's to sister-ship and (hopefully soon) health!


  1. hahaha! When you said "laying on her" you literally meant right on top of her! lol. That cracks me up. And hey, at least N will have an amazing immune system after a year or two around Elise ;-)

  2. Silas does the same thing with Evelynn and she loves it too. Maybe I am too overprotective of Evelynn though, because it scares me. Although laying on her can quickly turn into jumping on her and hitting her.

  3. Elise is looking so blonde! Cute! Messy blonde ponytail and a tan. Looks like she's gonna be a beach girl like her mama.


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