
Friday, October 18, 2013

Sister Friends

This sister thing is too fun to watch.  Watching their relationship blossom, even if they are still so little, is already a gift.  I love seeing them interact.

Today's big feat happened when Elise voluntarily tried to teach Nora to drink water from a sippy cup.  It was humorous.  And so sweet.  For the record, it's tricky drinking from a sippy cup when you're not used to it and thus N never got any water out.

But Elise sure did try to make it happen for her ;)
 I loved how E thought to grab N's hand so that she could help keep her up (N is still a bit rocky when sitting by herself).  Sweet big sis.

And let's just ignore the perpetual mess you can see in the background...not to mention somehow Daddy's stinky socks ended up in this photo below (what!?!?)
 And then, a hug.  No selfishness involved this time (E is trying to learn to share and doing so with her sis can be challenging)...just a sweet moment.
Poor lil Nora girl has been through a lot this week.  High fever two days in a row, sleepless nights, and now followed by a legit cough.  We're pretty sure she has croup.  Thankfully she is now on the up and up (or so we're hoping and praying!).

Love me these girls.  Even when I don't get enough sleep, or even when they're selfish, or even when I feel like it's just tough.  They are just as sweet as whipped cream on punkin' pie (yeah, I went's fall, ya'll! ;)


  1. Aww that's so sweet. I love where E gives N a hug. Presh!

  2. They are 2 precious girls with 2 precious parents. Just want to squeeze them! :)

  3. Mine are all upstairs playing together...I looooove it that even though the boys are "big" they still include Immanuelle in their playing without being asked. And Isaiah is already talking big about teaching Ivy how to play trains ;-) enjoy!

  4. Oh and that pic of Elise by herself is yummmmmo! Such cuties!

  5. I'm glad Elise is being such a sweet older sister and teaching Nora the ropes. Another great model pose of Miss N at the end!!


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