
Monday, November 18, 2013

The Girl's Got Jokes

This two year old is a hoot.  Here are a few recent E quotes that may bring a smile to your face (at least they do to ours :)

- "Shishi, shishi, you think this is shishi" (when quoting from Monsters Inc., "Sushi, sushi, you think this is about sushi!?")

- "Nory nakey girl" (when changing Nora's diaper) 

- "My phone's ringin'" (then she pretends to pull her fake phone out of her pocket and talk to whoever she comes up with :)

- "Bla bla bla bla lala la bla bla" (when reading from the Bible)

- "What does the giraffe say, Elise?" "Neigh" (I think because the giraffe on our puzzle somewhat resembles a horse shape and we've never taught her a noise made by a giraffe…so she ad libbed :)

- And one of my all time favorite conversations she's had thus far was with her yogurt…
E: Good mornin, yogoat.
Yogurt: --------
E: How are you?
Yogurt: --------
E: I'm good. Bye.

Love that girl and love her toddler wittiness :)


  1. I love the 'yogoat' one! ;) Oh the words of a child!

  2. Big smile! What does a giraffe say anyway? (We need to request a music video for that now...haha)


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