
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Nora Rose: Seven Months!

Oh ya'll, this little seven month old girl…
She catches us off guard daily, I think.  She amazes us, as a matter of fact.

Three weeks ago she started crawling.  Then just yesterday she started pulling herself up.  And I'm afeared that she'll start walking next month!  It's crazy town, but crazy cool too.  She's, simply put, awesome (again, we're slightly biased ;)
She's also really developed an appetite for peas and carrots.  She'll pretty much eat anything, decently well, but she's tried plums, peaches, apples, bananas, carrots, sweet potatoes, green peas, rice, and puffs.  She's finally gotten the hang of those little puffs too! 
I wouldn't say at this point that she's got the whole nighttime sleeping thing down.  She still generally wakes a few times a night.  Instead of it resulting from hunger (she really only eats once a night), it's largely from her rolling over to her belly and/or loosing her paci, which then wakes her up.  Ah well, she'll get it eventually!
Still taking two to three naps a day and nursing between four and five (with an occasional six) times a day. 

Her second bottom tooth just started coming in today! 
Splashing with her sis in the tub has been a fun new activity this past month and it's provided for some times of endless baby girl giggles (love. it.). 

Speaking of her sis, N follows E around everywhere and wants to do exactly what Big Sis is doing.  It's super cute, though I think E doesn't quite understand it yet ;)
(Halloween 2013.  We'll call them "fairy princesses," aka, working with what we had :)

And a final seven month note, she's starting to mimic different things we do…such as raising and lowering our hands, clapping, and bouncing up and down.  Too cute.
These seven months with you, N, have been without full nights of sleep, but absolutely full of joy.  Love you bunches, lil bitty.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of smiles from Nora this month :) I can't believe she is pulling up already. And finally - someone in the family like PEAS... hahaha


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