
Saturday, December 28, 2013

2013 Year In Review

I'm just going to jump right in.  This is always my favorite post of the year.

Here's a look back at some of the highlights of 2013 (not to negate the fact that there were indeed low moments, but at the end of it all, it's these pictures emphasizing some of the brightest spots of this past year that I want to remember the most).

JANUARY:  E mastered self-feeding with a spoon! (was that really JUST this past year!?)
FEBRUARY:  We had our last photos taken as a family of three before we welcomed our N!
MARCH:  Got to spend some much-welcomed quality time with grandparents as we awaited N's arrival.
APRIL:  We welcomed Nora Rose into our lives and went from a family of three to a family of four! (so thankful and humbled)
MAY:  Enjoyed time with Memommy shortly after N made her debut :)
JUNE:  Family vacay to Croatia (not to mention sun-kissed baby cheeks, yum).
JULY:  Trip to the mountains with some sweet Slovak friends and Daddy Boy celebrated Father's Day holding our newest addition.
AUGUST:  An accidental too-short hair cut (but still oh so very cute) and some outdoor time with a good buddy!
SEPTEMBER:  How was it possible that this girl turned TWO years old!?  Nonetheless, she did.
OCTOBER:  And just like that turning two meant she became a big girl.  No more paci for this little one.  Tear, sniffle, sniffle.
NOVEMBER:  Then as if turning two and giving up a paci wasn't enough for a mama to handle, the tiny one up and decided to crawl her way out of babyhood! 2014 will surely bring walking as a major milestone for sweet N.
DECEMBER:  Finally, though we have assuredly missed time with our families, we've also learned a lot about trusting the Lord and growing closer to each other...which means navigating our own family traditions, trying hard to "be in the moment" when we're together, and learning what it means to love and do life together.

2014, we're more than ready to welcome you :)  Here we go!


  1. Really liked reading this…you reminded me to do one so I'll post ours soon. :) Hard to believe Elise is already several months past two! Nora looks like a pretty baby doll in that crawling pic. Happy 2014 friend! Looking forward to seeing you this year!

  2. I love this post and also need to do one!


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