
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Just a Little Boat Ride...

…down the hall and back again!  That's the name of the game around here lately.

They love laying on this blanket (on loan from the Holloway clan…thanks!) and being pulled all around, typically while singing "row, row, row your boat…"

And when I say THEY, it really means Elise drags Nora along with her.  Nora generally complies (because she doesn't have much of an option when her sis is dragging her along by her clothes haha!).

Here they are in action.
It's increasingly harder to capture decent pictures of the on-the-go two year old and her very mobile eight month old sis, but nonetheless, I like these action shots of the girls.  They completely testify to the stage of life we're in now.

(and apparently I have a thing for dressing those two in polka dots!)

(I also promise no eight month old was hurt during the taking of these photos, though her face may say otherwise ;)

1 comment:

  1. So fun! B also has a few go to games right now (that mostly involve daddy chasing or lifting him) and as soon as you stop for even a second he is already saying "more, more, more". I imagine you guys are starting to get a little tired of the boat game too... you parents, that is ;) lol


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