
Monday, January 13, 2014

Morning Sunrise Viewing

We've had some pretty uncharacteristically beautiful days here lately.  Definitely NOT your typical Bratislava January weather.

But let me make it clear…I am not complaining.  We've had some truly gorgeous days.

And those gorgeous days have been starting with some sunrise masterpieces as of late.

E decided to take it all in one morning from her room and I was smitten by the light.

 Above:  explaining the sunset to me (we're still working on the difference between sunset and sunrise ;)
I was sitting right beside her taking it all in as well…I mean, come on!?  Just lovely.

And, of course, little sis was nearby…and we're sure glad she was.  Look at this cuteness…
One last note, I don't want to forget how funny it is to me that one daughter dresses in summer clothes to go to bed (she's quite hot natured, that one) while the other one wakes up with freezing cold hands (even though she's dressed in warm pajamas).  Gotta love that pair :)


  1. kraaasne fotky :) i already miss home again!!!

  2. This is one of hoboes moments you will always remember! Precious. And love the first photo lighting plus Elise's super cool stripe leggings. And OF COURSE I love the sunrise, almost as much as sunsets but I prefer to sleep thru them usually, ha!

  3. What a great sunrise window! Those girls are just too sweet!

  4. Perty! Elise looks so long laying like that! Little girl is getting big. I like her leggings.


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