
Friday, January 31, 2014

Post Nap Light

My goal is to pick up my real camera at least once a day.

My second goal was to fiddle with the exposure compensation button.

Today it happened right after nap time when the lighting was at its "best" (for a snow-covered, cloudy day in Bratislava coming in through the window).

Out of all the shots I got, only two I felt were keepable.

But I like these two :) (and the two kiddos too!)
 Jumping fun was being had, thus they were both VERY hard to capture (reoccurring theme:  my main subjects tend to move…a lot).
We'll call that one above a study of the eye.

So, so much to learn…but I feel like I'm falling in love with photography more daily.


  1. I am really wanting to improve my photography skills as well. I am so proud of you making it a daily activity!

  2. I love me some photography too. :) I like this pics.


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