
Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Girl and Her Dad

Today E and J went on their first real father/daughter date.  I couldn't have been more excited about it.  Perhaps I was more excited than either of them ;)

You see, it's something I've prayed about for a long time.  It's something I wish I had had growing up.  Thus, I prayed that our kiddos would have a great Daddy.  And the Lord answered.  I'm extremely thankful.

While E was waiting on Daddy Boy to get ready, she was in full fledged Mommy mode.  Coco had to have her diaper changed :)
 Nor Nor photo bombed, but she was told that in the future she, too, would get to go on a special date with Daddy.  They're blessed to have him.

(Nor helped me organize while they were gone…and by organize I mean she ate her snack and then climbed on me like I was her own personal jungle gym :)
I know this is a gush-y post, but seriously, look at those three.  Full heart.  Don't want to take them for granted.

I hear they had a good time together…sushi, train rides, and E got to pick out some special chocolate.  I hope they'll have many more special dates ahead :)


  1. So sweet! I know E loved special time with her daddy. And N probably liked the 1 on 1 mommy time too! Win win :)

  2. Great tradition! I love E's expression in the last pic. You are a blessed momma/wife!


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