
Sunday, February 16, 2014

His Valentines

I adore this picture of the three of them (even if Nor wouldn't look at the camera for anything, haha).

Daddy bought his littles flowers on Valentine's Day.  Two for Elise (because she's two) and one for Nora (because she's almost one).  Adorbs.

The Mama also got some too ;) (thanks Daddy Boy!)
Let's keep it real here, though…I did have to pick them up off the floor after this picture and keep Nora from eating hers, but I'm pretty positive they'll grow to appreciate it more and more the older they get.  Now that they've been rescued, those roses are being proudly displayed by the window :)

And man, Jas, you're good-looking (I'm allowed to say that, it's my blog after all ;)

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