
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Art, Art, It's Good for Your Heart

That's the motto we try to follow around here :)

Almost every day Elise and I do some kind of art...or at least try to paint.  The girl loves her some art, which of course makes me happy.  We'll see how long her art-lovin' lasts...perhaps only a few years, perhaps a lifetime?  Time will tell!

Either way, every other week I lead an art project for toddlers (and their mamas) and Elise gets to be my guinea pig.  That means we're trying new art projects fairly often.  It's a fun time.

Here she is showing off our latest project.  She was pretty proud of her flowers and after we finished the ones below she immediately wanted to do more.  Love it.
Little sis was asleep during this time, but if she's awake she generally wants in on the action, too (mainly just wanting me to hold her so she can see what's going on :)  I'm excited to see what interests these girls develop, be it art or science, sports or music.  It's a blessing to watch them grow!

1 comment:

  1. You inspire me to do art projects with Gia. Keep on posting your ideas! I like to mimic them!


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