
Sunday, September 14, 2014

She's Turning THREE!

In just over a week our Elise turns THREE!!!

I often joke with her about putting a proverbial brick on her head to keep her from growing (because I just feel like it's going so fast).  She always says "No mom, take it off" (and pretends to take a brick off her head).  

It's true, I wouldn't really stop her from growing into the little girl/girl/lady she's supposed to become.  Our prayer for her is that, Lord-willing, she'll continue to grow into just the girl she's designed to be!

Here's a rundown of our little lady at three years...
And a few other (mostly unedited, but well loved by us) photos:
(obviously girl has a thing for wearing her sunglasses ;)

Elise Noelle, you are a fun, smart, loving girl and we are incredibly thankful to call you "ours"! We love you to the great big moon and back!

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